Sunday, December 6, 2015

Much Needed Rejuvination

        These last few days have been an absolute blur.  Holiday parties and festivities and countless hours of homework and assignments in between; it's been so crazy I couldn't have told you what day it was when I woke up this morning.  But, by the grace of God and by about a hundred tiny miracles, I have made it to the end of my first semester of grad school.  After I finish my last paper tomorrow, all that is left standing between me and the plane ride home is a presentation and an optional final exam.
        It is so crazy to think that in the moment all of this seems so important.  When I'm in the middle of it, school is the only thing on my mind.  And, up until this evening I really hadn't noticed how physically exhausted I am from the last few weeks.  So this is when I dig.  I dig my heels into the ground, tie my hair back, and finish the semester with all the strength I possess so I can go home to the people I love.  I have never been a person to give up, and so this is the type of moment that I thank God for making me as strong as I am because I know I can make it through this!

Please keep me in your prayers the next few days. A few things in particular:
 *My sanity and health
 *Finishing my paper to the best of my ability and having my grades reflect that effort.
 *And finally safe and punctual travels on Wednesday.  If all goes according to plan I should leave Greenville by noon and be in Portland by nine that night, so please join me in praying that that schedule stays true to my itinerary and nothing goes wrong with any of my flights.
        I am pleased to say that within 48 hours I will be able to say, as it does in 2 Timothy, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  And to add my own additional bit to that, "I'm coming HOME!"